Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings

I remember (I think, it was years ago :)) some of my first chicks doing something similar when they were a few days old; when preening, they would pull so hard it would make them lose their balance and it looked like they were trying to pull something out. I agree that it might be them reacting to uncomfortable growing feathers.
Were they eventually okay?

She's being really persistent about it and isn't even distracted by food or a change in environment.
How much space do they have in the brooder?

Give them fresh broccoli to peck at and spread some millet and sesame seeds for distraction.
The brooder is a temporary situation since we are planning to put them under a broody hen. So, it's one of those large tote bins for the moment. We were going to actually put them with the broody last night but then realized the crate we have her in has slots too large to keep the chicks in, so we are fixing that today and then moving them there. We had another hen raise about the same number of chicks in the same crate a couple years ago and actually had to put a smaller tote in there for the first week or so because there was too much space. So, I don't think it's necessarily brooder size. Even when we completely remove her from the brooder, she is still acting like this just as much. She's only calm if we're holding her, but even that looks like a kind of distressed "calm". (As in, she's quiet, but seems like her eyes are clenched shut.)
The brooder is a temporary situation since we are planning to put them under a broody hen. So, it's one of those large tote bins for the moment. We were going to actually put them with the broody last night but then realized the crate we have her in has slots too large to keep the chicks in, so we are fixing that today and then moving them there. We had another hen raise about the same number of chicks in the same crate a couple years ago and actually had to put a smaller tote in there for the first week or so because there was too much space. So, I don't think it's necessarily brooder size. Even when we completely remove her from the brooder, she is still acting like this just as much. She's only calm if we're holding her, but even that looks like a kind of distressed "calm". (As in, she's quiet, but seems like her eyes are clenched shut.)
Could she have gotten too hot underneath the heat plate so that her pin feather keratin kind of melted together as if in burning some hair?

Depending on the kind of heat plate chicks can even burn their feet and toes badly when sitting on top.
Could she have gotten too hot underneath the heat plate so that her pin feather keratin kind of melted together as if in burning some hair?

Depending on the kind of heat plate chicks can even burn their feet and toes badly when sitting on top.
Hmm. Interesting. We have a thing on the top so they can't get on top. But maybe she could have had her wing touching underneath for a long period of time last night and maybe that could have happened. But what to do with her now?
Hmm. Interesting. We have a thing on the top so they can't get on top. But maybe she could have had her wing touching underneath for a long period of time last night and maybe that could have happened. But what to do with her now?
When chicks snuggle together underneath and fall asleep some can get pressed against the heating device by their mates and not notice early enough to move away.

Inspect the wings very closely for signs of being clogged or glued together and if you find some, gently try to separate them (using the tip of a needle or similar) and thus lower the pressure on the sensitive area.

Best done with a helper.
When chicks snuggle together underneath and fall asleep some can get pressed against the heating device by their mates and not notice early enough to move away.

Inspect the wings very closely for signs of being clogged or glued together and if you find some, gently try to separate them (using the tip of a needle or similar) and thus lower the pressure on the sensitive area.

Best done with a helper.
I was looking closely at the wings. I didn't see anything that looked melted. I did see some pin feathers and that seemed to be what she was going after the most.

My dad said it could be neurological. I added some Hydro Hen to their water to help with their hydration and gut health.

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