Chick with no eyes

How kind and caring!

Your welcome.

I try hard.

Actually I was kidding because I made the same comment on page 2!
Alright, I've never posted a picture of it before though, must have been someone elses.

Ok, so here is Drei Biene the turken, one of the ladies at our local feed store gave him to us, because we seem to have a bad habit of taking anything and everything in..
I guess he/she was in their order of chicks. After a week he died, his mouth/throat was very small and partially enclosed, so he couldn't eat very well.

Obviously the third leg didn't serve for anything.

Close up. (Edit: ok, so maybe its not closer up?)

The legs starts from between the other two, and back a ways. Unfortunatly the comp I had the rest on crashed, and I only uploaded these two on myspace.
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That is super cute!! Yeah his bottom beak is just a tad longer than the top. I really hope he makes it.

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