Chick with weird foot issue


In the Brooder
Dec 31, 2023
I have a week old silkie chick who every time she picks her foot up to take a step she shakes it like she's trying to get something off of it! She does this with both feet.
I inspected her feet and saw nothing out of the ordinary! What could this be?? The others are not doing this. She seems perfectly healthy otherwise!
I will have to check that and see but I haven't noticed anything that would make me think it cant see well
Does it have any feed or poop stuck on its foot feathers, or have wet feet? What kind of surface is it walking on?
It doesn't have anything stuck on its feet or feathers. The feet are dry and I have them on pine shavings. It's so strange, the other two aren't doing It.
It doesn't have anything stuck on its feet or feathers. The feet are dry and I have them on pine shavings. It's so strange, the other two aren't doing It.
This is odd, I've had some do little feet freak outs, but they usually stepped on something wet or have feathers growing in.

Do the food pads and the bottom of the toes look normal? Any skin cuticles bumping out at all?

Could you post photos of the tops and bottoms of her feet?

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