Chicke dying while pipping


12 Years
Oct 2, 2007
Invercargill, New Zealand
Along with the eggs 10speed fertilised, I added some fertile eggs from a breeder down the road, however...

They seem to be dying while pipping.....poor little buggars, two dead, one very weak, two more pipping. The membrane looks very dry, I think they all are struggling to get out. They looked black and silver.

They hen they were under didn't eem interested in the eggs either, so I have slipped them under another broody, hoping she will adopt the weak one and pipping ones.

I'll report back tonight.
Please keep us posted.
Maybe you should take them from the broody and put them in a 'bator? You can control the humidity better. This late in the game though you might have to manually hydrate the membrane and help out a little.
I thought they were in a bator.

Perhaps the original hen wasn't doing/feeling too good, perhaps her food and water intake was lacking in some way.

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