Chicken adventures.

Hah! mine spend most of the day in the barn, yelling at me 'cos there's snow/ice on the ground! They have had enough winter thank you!
Our run lacks the wire on it.... Hopefully next weekends project.... Mine are still chicks so it's ok... The weather has been nice here and I've wanted to let them out to explore..... It's raining today, so I'm not looking forward to my chores.... After church I'll see to them.... They seem to be just doing what chickens do best, eat, poop, sleep, poop, poop.... Lol.
I went to the Pa swap meet today to pick up a Banty Cochin roo friend for my lonely little Banty girl...I came home with the little roo AND I found a French cuckoo Marans rooster with feathers on his legs! I couldn't pass him up being that I just found out that I have 2 cuckoo marans hens that I thought were barred rocks! Soooo excited! Looks like a start of a new adventure!

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