chicken aggression


Nov 18, 2016
I had a broody hen this summer and 2 out of 5 eggs hatched. All was well until her sister who is a Golden Comet started to become broody and take over being the mother of the 2 chicks. They were about 9 to 10 weeks old when this took place. She became mean and started going after her sister (the real mother). She also is molting now on top of it. Not only is she mean to the sister, she is pecking at the new chickens she wanted to mother. While all 9 of our chickens are out foraging and I am watching them, she will go after her sister and stand over her and yank freakin hard on her comb to the point that one of the tips is pulled off. I have noticed that she goes after the combs on the chickens when she wants the prime wall spot of the perch. She also pecks at their feet. We have a chicken tractor and she has been banished to it at night time while all the rest are in the coop. Please tell me why she is so nasty? I want to see her integrate, but she is just so mean spirited that we are on the verge of cooking her. Are the chickens just upset that there are two new chickens that were hatched this summer? We don't know what to do.

I would think they'd have adapted to the new ones by now. You could try separating the bully for a couple of weeks, reintegrate her and see how that works, or if you don't want to mess with that, maybe an invitation to dinner would be your best option. Sometimes a chicken just doesn't fit in with the rest of the flock.
It seems that once she decided to go broody and take over the mothering duties of her sister she got pissy and now jealous because the babies who are grown up don't need her, but still go to the mother once in awhile. Is this possible that she is "acting out"?, but I guess why would she go after the babies (now grown ups)? The chickens act worse then the kids. I really appreciate you answering me because we are only into chicken owning for a year and half and have no one to ask questions to.
Could be that she's going after the younger ones to "wean" them. That's what my broodies do. When they're done mothering them, they chase them away. I can't imagine why she'd be going after the other hen, except that she simply may have become a bully and needs to be separated for a while. Sometimes they just do that.
It takes time to learn the social dynamics of a flock....the 'pecking order'.
It is not always clear what the hierarchy is....and it can change.

She may be a malevolent leader.....or she may be low bird and striking out at the new birds in the flock(the chicks).
Broodies often loss status as they set, and have to reestablish themselves and are often a target when they come off the nest.

Bobbi-j is correct in that some birds are just overly aggressive......I've had a few.
I'd isolate her for a couple weeks, then let her out and see what happens.
Getting rid if her by rehoming or stewing might be the best thing for your flock in the long run.

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