chicken and ducks

Hi I started with 4 chickens about 10 months ago my question is can I add a couple of ducks to my chickens? Thank You

Welcome to BYC, Ronald. You can add ducks, but as was mentioned male ducks should not be kept with chickens. They can't keep their hormones in check & will very likely try to mate with your chickens. If you're looking to add ducks thinking they'll be buds with your chickens, that probably won't work well. Ducks will keep to themselves.
Hi I started with 4 chickens about 10 months ago my question is can I add a couple of ducks to my chickens? Thank You
:welcome Welcome! I have chickens and ducks but I keep mine in separate coops. I have always heard that it isn't wise to cross-contaminate breeds...chickens vs I never have. I honestly don't know the 'politically correct' answer but that's what I was told before I got my ducks.
Enjoy BYC! Tons of great information on here! :frow
welcome from Getaclue.gif
Welcome to Backyard Chickens!

Enjoy the ducks and chickens

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