Chicken and Turkeys


6 Years
Apr 12, 2013
South Dakota
My husband and I have been looking around wanting to get chickens and turkeys but we keep reading that you cant have them together when they are babies because the turkeys get black head. Does anyone know if this is true? Or can you really put them in the same broader box when they are babies?
My turkeys were raised in a separate brooder box to the baby chickens, BUT having said that, the person I bought them off had hatched the eggs under a broody hen and they were running with their surrogate Mum until I bought them.
I keep my turkeys in a pen separate from the free range chickens, just in case, I guess it just depends. I have been treating all my birds with cayenne pepper in their water, (it kills blackhead and also seems to help with other bacterial infections, my turkeys were poisoned by mouldy bread recently) and the chickens are often ranging around the pen where the turkeys are. Haven't had any instances of blackhead... yet!
Thank you so much.. We really want to get both chickens and turkeys but were worried about raising them together.. Thanks again..
It may depend on your region.. I keep my turkeys and chickens together with no problems so far....for 3 yrs.
Thank you so much.. We really want to get both chickens and turkeys but were worried about raising them together.. Thanks again..
Check with your local county agriculture extension agent to find out if you are living in an area where blackhead is a problem. If blackhead is a problem in your area do not raise chicks and poults together. If blackhead is not a problem in your area chicks and poults can be raised and kept together.

It isn't a problem where I live and I have chickens, guineas, and turkeys all being kept together.

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