Chicken apron creates chaos


Oct 2, 2017
New Hampshire
I got some chicken aprons for my girls because my brahma is really causing damage to them

I put one in Sally my nh red, as you can see in the pic her feathers are already destroyed

I put it on and all he'll broke loose but kind of in a humourous way. All I needed was benny's hill music

I put her down and off she ran in all directions plowing over other chickens
All of them started squaking, some are running around in confusion.
Floyd my frizzle polish had to be caged because he just kept going after her apron
Hes never bothered her before, but is determined to get that apron

Dilemma is do I wait for them and her to get used to it or just take it off
I still have my golden laced wyandotte to put it on and she will not like it but her back is bald from Zeus

She is upstairs in my office right now healing a leg

Anyone had this happen ?
And I think she looks beautiful with it

First of all, that apron is adorable. Two of my hens have the apron/saddles on since they lost most of their backfeathers and the talons of the rooster made holes and scabbing that just kept getting worse. Aprons on, healing up great! It’s really weird how bothered they are about it... Mine almost didn’t even realize it was on. Maybe it’s too tight? Or maybe try a more concealing color so they don’t notice it as much?
First of all, that apron is adorable. Two of my hens have the apron/saddles on since they lost most of their backfeathers and the talons of the rooster made holes and scabbing that just kept getting worse. Aprons on, healing up great! It’s really weird how bothered they are about it... Mine almost didn’t even realize it was on. Maybe it’s too tight? Or maybe try a more concealing color so they don’t notice it as much?

Ya know I was like maybe it is the red color that is catching their eye
Maybe I will dye it a lighter color

It's not tight at all, I think it's just something very new to her. She is 4 years old never had something put on her
I picked up 2 adopted girls who were henpecked pretty bad and put the same apron on (I get a lot of laughs for putting the girls in dresses). I put them on at night when everyone was sleepy and they pretty much went right back to sleep. I do have a red light on in the coop 24/7 to dissuade from wound pecking. Not sure this is a 100% solution but maybe can help for the next girl

I picked up 2 adopted girls who were henpecked pretty bad and put the same apron on (I get a lot of laughs for putting the girls in dresses). I put them on at night when everyone was sleepy and they pretty much went right back to sleep. I do have a red light on in the coop 24/7 to dissuade from wound pecking. Not sure this is a 100% solution but maybe can help for the next girl


Omg how sweet are they!!!!
Good ideas i will try them

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