chicken attacked by dominant chicken

Kate Wickins

Jul 1, 2015
Norfolk, England
Hi, my name is Kate and I am new to BYC. I started keeping hens about a year ago. Since we unfortunately lost one which left us with two. We recently added another couple into the coop. To start with although they pecked at the new ones all was well. It's been nearly two weeks and one of the new chickens got stuck in the garden and the dominant chicken has pecked the top of the head until poor speckled hen is bleeding. I would appreciate any advice on what to do. I've separated speckles at the moment.
Keep her separated until the wounds have healed. See if you can identify one particular culprit. If so, when you return the injured one to the flock, separate the culprit for at least a week. Try adding a little protein to the diet. Sometimes new "toys" (things to climb on, hide under, etc.) helps. More space is always a good idea if possible. It's a good idea to have at least two separated food/water stations when there is a lot of conflict.
Welcome to BYC!

x2 on @Judy 's advice. Hope your girl will be ok and everything settles down soon.

Nice to have you here!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! Judy has left you some great advice so I will just say Hi. Hope speckles is well again soon and you get them all intergrated and happy again soon.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Keep her separated until the wounds have healed.  See if you can identify one particular culprit.  If so, when you return the injured one to the flock, separate the culprit for at least a week.  Try adding a little protein to the diet.  Sometimes new "toys" (things to climb on, hide under, etc.) helps.  More space is always a good idea if possible.  It's a good idea to have at least two separated food/water stations when there is a lot of conflict.
Thank you. Shopping for toys tomorrow! I do know who the culprit is as caught her attacking. I'll find some protein for them as well. So far only really fed layers pellets, corn and mealworm which they love.
Please be vigilant that flies do not lay eggs in the wound. The resulting maggots cause more damage than the original wound. You can use Neosporin (NO caine) after a wound has been cleaned (saline solution is good). Check that wound doesn't get infected. She should be good to go if the bully doesn't go after her. If dominant chicken does, you might consider getting her "pinless peepers," so she may mind her own business.
Please be vigilant that flies do not lay eggs in the wound.  The resulting maggots cause more damage than the original  wound.  You can use Neosporin (NO caine) after a wound has  been cleaned (saline solution is good).  Check that wound doesn't get infected.   She should be good to go  if the  bully doesn't go after her.  If dominant  chicken does, you might consider getting her "pinless peepers," so she may mind her own business.

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