Chicken Breed Focus - Aseel/Asil

We have skunks around here,the bigger concern for my neck of the woods is coons,opossum,feral cats, neighborhood dogs,that are slowly contracting lethal doses of lead poison,and Coyotes.I also have foxes and bobcat on my property. I recently lost 22 birds in one night to coyote or Fox. I found one bird outside the pen. Bottom half ate. Fence was lifted up about 18" 5 birds were dead and placed in a perfect row at the entry point. Very few feathers,very little damage to the birds.The rest were GONE. I've since ran an electric fence and haven't had a problem since
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We have skunks around here,the bigger concern for my neck of the woods is coons,opossum,feral cats, neighborhood dogs,that are slowly contracting lethal doses of lead poison,and Coyotes.I also have foxes and bobcat on my property. I recently lost 22 birds in one night to coyote or Fox. I found one bird outside the pen. Bottom half ate. Fence was lifted up about 18" 5 birds were dead and placed in a perfect row at the entry point. Very few feathers,very little damage to the birds.The rest were GONE. I've since ran an electric fence and haven't had a problem since
I'm so sorry to hear about your losses! It's so frustrating and often heartbreaking when that happens. Our biggest problem was Mongoose (we were in South Africa most of my chicken keeping years). We trapped and took care of a few and that took care of that problem thankfully, but they caused us a lot of damage.
Ok. I am new to Asil... I have this trio, is it ok to just leave them together all the time? Also can I let the hens free range with my Thai and shamo hens...and keep the Roos penned up....or rotate roo out each day..when it's not breeding season? Any other tips? Also coop space? I'm building an 8x8x8 for them, can more hens fit in? Is two good for a male? Thanks


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My begum Taj Aseel


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an ancient breed of chicken that is too important to let go. I got these for a grading project for my cubalayas. i liked them so much that i started breeding them. they were more intelligent than most chickens, tame towards humans, great broody hens, super healthy and vigorous, but extremely game towards other asils. chicks can kill each other at an early age. if they fight, it is to the death. my strain is the old manuel Reynolds asils from the Virginia masterbreeder; carr harris. they carry some indian and viper blood from texas masterbreeder; Nasser saab. after breeding them and raising them for a few years now, they are my second favorite breed with cubalayas being my favorite. some of the hens are fairly decent layers for orientals, others not so good. I have tried to help them as a breed by making sure the right people get some good ones and keeping enough here to have a decent breeding program. when deciding on which birds to keep and breed it would be best to get some help from an experienced breeder at first. in the wrong hands, the breed could be ruined for the next generations by making bad selections. here are some pics of mine;

for experienced chicken people only

Hi if u still there I have exactly hen like urs how old is it and is it good ?


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