Chicken Closing one eye, seems sleepy.


May 10, 2020
Hey there! Flock of 4 Easter eggers here (sold as araucanas)
So, two days ago, a chicken started showing weird signs. Not really following the flock as much. Laying down more frequently but acting sleepy even while standing. Comb is it's usual pink/red, tail is up - not droopy. The following day she was 100% her usual goofy self. Now my biggest girl is doing the same thing.

1) Easter Egger Chicks, 4 months old, not laying yet. Chicken in question is my biggest girl. She seems to be eating and drinking just fine.
2) Not keeping up with the other 3. Has one eye closed almost constantly and this is causing her to walk a little sideways. She's more into just laying down to sleep.
3) Just found her like this today. Yesterday everyone was fine.
4) Tuesday, a different chicken had the same problem, but more mild.
5) No bleeding, no signs of trauma that I can tell.
6) I don't know what could be causing this.
7) The first chicken in question was all about eating and drinking. Current gal had some mealworms when I tossed them down, but haven't seen her drink yet (haven't watched long). They eat purina flock raiser, their treats this week were mostly swiss chard greens, kohlrabi greens, and lettuce from the garden. I give them dried meal worms pretty regularly as treats.
8) First chicken splat out a big old runny poop right in front of me. All liquid - clear and white. That chicken is fine now. Haven't seen a poo from this one yet.
9) No treatment yet, aside from making sure they have plenty of cool places to rest while they were so sleepy.
10 ) I just want to know if this is something anyone has seen or if I just have chickens poking each other in the eye, or are they eating something when I'm not watching that's causing this.
12) Their coop bedding is pine shavings, the majority of their run also has pine shavings. They do have free range of my side yard most mornings which is mostly dirt with some grass.
I would just continue to watch them. Look for any eye drainage, bubbles or foam in the corners of eyes, and make sure they are all acting normally otherwise. Check by opening the eyes and look for anything in them. Were your chickens vaccinated for anything?

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