chicken co-op


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 13, 2008
I am thinking about starting a chicken co-op with some of my friends from work, they will be meat chickens. Most of them live in the city and can't have birds. I am thinking that we bought a hundred of them and all pitched in and bought food and the chicks together and then when came time to butcher we could have a party at my place and all do a chore and have a production line of sort. Anybody else ever done this?
I sometimes find exposing customers to the processing of the birds turns them off from the whole experience of farm raised food.

I have some people who want to know which lamb is theirs, others won't even step foot on the farm because they don't want their meat to have a "face".
It sounds like a great idea if people are interested!

However it would be wise to make sure there is a local commercial processor who would do it for you, as a plan B, just in case peoples' enthusiasm evaporates before (or when) it's time to kill and clean the birds. You don't want to be stuck with a hundred chickens and THEN find there's no way to process them other than Yourself :eek:

Good luck,

fortunately for me, most of my friends are Asians from the old country. They have done it themselves before moving to the states. There is about 10 of us in my group, I am the only white chick amongst us all. I work for a very diversified group, They are so happy when I bring eggs, it is like X-mas to them. They always ask for fresh duck and chicken just never have any available. I like to keep some for eggs, I do know that I need to butcher some drakes I have but I need replacements for them. I have about 20 mallard babies abd the rest are full grown ducks, there is about 9 of those, so I need to keep them. My friends want everything I can raise, rabbit, duck, chicken, goat, anything what am I to do. I only have 2 acres!!!
hahaha,,, EVERYONE around me is like that, they come around EVERY sunday i have people stop by looking for their suppa,,,lol,, and i think thats a GREAT idea,, i might do something like that around here,, but i only have 1 acre lol
you would be surprised at how many rabbits and chickens you could raise on 2 acres.

I have 12 acres, and it is fun planning on how I am going to fill up all 3 barns, with all the critters and beef and pork. Glad the fish only occupy the pond though and son't have to do anything other than feed them.

Have fun with it and good luck to ya. Where are you located?
You make far more efficient use of your land the smaller your operation. Some of the most profitable farms in the US on a per acre basis are doing it on 2, 3, 5 acres.
I am in WA state. I know I need to leave an acre free, my goats and the horse need something to graze on. I would like to do the rabbit thing too, I would have to build cages though. I have labs, so the first thing that needs to be done is building kennels for them. I am going to get a bonus this year so, the kennels are going to be built over X-mas Holiday

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