Chicken comb torn


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2021
This is Willow, our Lavender Orpington chicken. She's 10 months old.

Last night a fox came by the run. All the chickens were secure inside, although the fox gave them quite a scare before we chased her off.

This afternoon we discovered a tear in Willows comb, we think she was in a panic from the fox and caught it on something.

We cleaned it up and it's not bleeding anymore, so we were wondering if the comb will be able to heal well or if we should take her in to get the torn part trimmed off.

In the picture the feathers on her head are dark because we cleaned off the blood.

Monitor to assure that flock mates do not peck at her. It will heal on its own. Do you have a rooster? That may complicate things a bit.

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