Chicken compost and the garden


Dec 11, 2021
Hi Everybody.

It’s been two years since we added compost to our garden. Some spots for it heavy the first year, others almost none at all.

We were able to buy some omri certified, composted chicken manure to spread on the garden. It looked great, felt great, smelled a little hot (ammonia). We had some extra so I top dressed some soil around our fruit trees, because ‘why not?’. Now that grass is yellowing out.

I’ll have my answer in time, but I wonder if I applied too much to the garden…online sources said 1-3”, then till it in. I did that, and tilled to 6”.

Given this info, did I make a mistake? Hard to tell without a soil test, but this is what I have right now.

How much time has/will pass between when you tilled in the compost and when you'll plant? Sounds like your compost was a little "hot" still. In theory, mixing it in with the soil should "dilute" it a bit compared to just putting it direct on grass.

In the future, when using manure, it's a good practice to apply in the fall to give it time to mellow over the winter.

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