Chicken constantly itching all over, lethargic, loss of appetite, extended neck & gaping for air? URI? Please help!


In the Brooder
Nov 1, 2021
These last 2 weeks, my hen has been losing feathers and itching all over, specifically her neck, and has been eating/drinking less and less. At first, I thought she was going through a slow molt with all the itching and feathers she was losing, but many are the fluffy down feathers. She's itching a lot, despite taking daily dust baths, and then just sits when the itching subsides. I checked for mites/lice but I couldn't find anything, but I dusted her with permethrin just in case. The itching is so intense around her neck/face, that she has speckles on her beak/edge of her mouth that I believe are scabs or marks from when she uses her foot to scratch there. She's also been rejecting the food that she used to eat a lot, like scrambled eggs, lettuce, sunflower seeds. She seems interested, but then quickly flicks/shakes her head/beak every time she pecks at it, like she can't pick it up or the texture bothers her. I'm so worried for her because I feel like she's not getting enough nutrients or variety in her food. She's been sitting down more than usual and lethargic - she closes her eyes more and tuck her head by her wing. Recently, she's been extending her neck and opening her mouth wide open, like she's gasping for air or choking on something. She consistently is itching her neck before/after, like she's struggling to breathe. Here is a video:

Feel free to comment on this thread and/or the reddit! I am so concerned bc I feel like her symptoms have escalated drastically in the last few days.
With all these factors, and her shrunken comb that's more droopy, so I know that something is wrong! Is it a respiratory infection, ear mites, or gapeworm? I've tried doing research but her symptoms seem broad that I don't want to misdiagnose her or accidentally do anything harmful to her! The nearest vet that specializes in birds is 1.5 hours away and her office is always busy. Thank you for any and all help!!
Itching and feather loss could be depluming mites, they are similar to scaly leg mites, microscopic in size and they burrow into the skin, the discomfort can be so severe that birds will pull their own feathers trying to get relief. Treatment is ivermectin topical drops. More info here:
She looks like she's adjusting her crop possibly, so feel her crop to see if it's empty, full, soft & squishy, hard, etc. What do her droppings look like?
Does she have any discharge from eyes, nares or beak or bubbles in eyes? Any lesions or plaques inside her beak or throat? Any coughing, sneezing or wheezing?
You could go ahead and worm her if you suspect gapeworm, either Safeguard liquid goat wormer, Safeguard horse paste, or Valbazen. If she's having slow digestion causing her crop to back up, worms is a possible cause for that also. How old is she and do you know when she last laid?

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