Chicken Coop Creation - In Progress - $0!


11 Years
Apr 23, 2013
DAY 1 - TODAY! :) Part of our chicken coop is done, not a whole lot, but getting there.

One of the corners has a section for putting the pcv/pipe auto feeder to run down it. I have three walls now, though I dont have a picture of that yet. Making a nesting box and installing that tomorrow and working on the door as well. We'll see how it goes from there.

So far, I have spent..... $0!

Some boards were unused old garage shelving that my mother never used and gave to us. (Made 5 raised garden beds today too with those!!!) Screws we already had, and got a whole bunch of pallets from a store in town that was fine with us taking them.

Nothing fancy, but I really like it so far.

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Better picture and 3rd wall somewhat visible. I have been working on the door today and have to wait for hubby to bring our saw back from my mothers to complete the door. The 3rd wall, is a tad short than the other two (different sized pallet) but I will be adjusting that with a piece of wood. The far side that isnt done yet will be the door (that ive been making already) that can open for cleaning, but stay closed otherwise with a chicken door in the bottom.

Will be making nesting box once saw is here too. I am debating if I want the nesting box up high or low... does it make a difference? I'll be having the nesting box with an opening to collect eggs from outside. I'll be putting in the roosting pole as well today.


Nesting box done except need to attach lid but have to pick up hinges for it and the door. The door is done too and again, need hinges.

You might consider sloping the top of the next box down and away from the coop so water will sheet off it rather than puddling. Are you planning to add battens to seal up the gaps between the wall boards or just leave it as a very airy coop?
I roofing I plan to put on will prevent water from pooling on the nesting box. For now, I am going to have it very airy, once the summer months go on I will add planks to get it ready for fall and winter.
Need to grab my electric hand saw from my mothers to shorten the length of the roof, but coop is 95% done. Not fancy or that great, but useable. There is a roosting bar in there, but it kind of blends in.


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