Chicken Coop Disease??

Kuntry Klucker

12 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Tennesee Smoky Mts.
Hi All,

I was just wondering if anyone has become sick after cleaning the coop.

I cleaned the coop for the year a few days ago( I use DLM) and have come down sick
with flu like symptoms that could be related to the fungus in the chicken
poo that becomes air born during cleaning or so I have been told.

I was just wondering how true this is? It seems to me that a small backyard
flock would not be the scale that is warned about or is it.

I have a flock of 14.

If anyone could give me some info on this it would be great. From what I have read
it is called histoplasmosis.

Yea, I think I should have done that. I am feeling a little better than I was a few days ago but still it just
scared me. To think that my birds could make me sick. I love them to pieces
Yea, I do plan on going to the Dr to get checked out if I do not get better soon.

I was hoping to get some testimonials before I went to give the dr a better understanding
since I am not sure how familiar he will be with chicken keepers.

Thanks for your post.

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