Chicken Coop in my shed!!!

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I can't believe how big the chicks are at 5 weeks. I moved the feeder up by the door of the coop which for now is a screen from an old window. Also finished up the nest boxes..2 boxes 3 hens. There is 3 to 4 " of pine shaving on the floor and today i mixed in a big soup can of DE. If you click on the photo you can see the chicks... little cuties :D
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Today I just completed a run ... I came out 8' from the shed and run the whole length of the shed so it is an 8' x 12' run. I took a spade and dug a trench and placed big limestone rocks under the landscape timbers to deter digging predators... If they were to dig next to the enclosure they're running into rock. We also lined under the shed with the rocks to prevent any intrusion from under the shed. The run is 4' tall at the shed and tapers down to the ground 8' out. I chose to use the green welded and painted wire with a 2 x 3 inch opening so i will need to put either hardware cloth... or use some poultry netting i already have up . I also plan on getting a big tarp and putting it over the run. Its coming together.. maybe not the fanciest but its made from stuff i had laying around and is very functional :celebrate
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I cut the hole for the chickens to get out into the run and made a little ramp w/ treads ... I am excited to let them explore outside as they have not been outdoors yet. Can I safely let them go out yet at 5 to six weeks old or should i wait for 60 days :confused: The chicks are Rhode Island Reds so they're bigger than a lot of 5 wk old chicks. I would appreciate any suggestions you may have for me . How many chickens can thrive in this setup?
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