chicken coop names...

We call ours the "chicken coop." We're so creative
Our boxes have all the hens names on them, singers of all sorts from all eras and the coop is "show time at e pollo" lol
I could really use a name for my coop as well! I need something that will go with a barn looking coop. Our last name is Little. Would love something clever or funny but must be kid appropriate. Thx!
My 8 year old grandkids (cousins, not brother and sister) sat down and helped us draw the plans for our coop, then they carefully colored their designs the way they'd like to see them painted. Katie's was "princess pink" with turrets. Evan's was colored in squares with black lines separating each square, then he used red, blue, green, and yellow so that it would look like the coop was made of Legos. The more I thought about it the more I thought that might be kinda neat - we could paint the exterior nest boxes and put three wooden circles on it so that it looked like an upside down Lego waiting to be placed. Then we could incorporate Katie's turrets as the ventilation. I mentioned it somewhere else here on the forums and someone suggested that we could call it "Eggoland". Is it a sign of "Gramma-ness" that I'm now trying to talk my husband into it?
There used to be a restaurant in our home town called "The Chick Talk". It's been closed for years, but I always remember they had a huge concrete rooster on a trailer in the front. We always liked to climb all over it when we were little, so my coop will also be called The Chick Talk. :)

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