chicken coop names...

Ours is known as the Taj Mahal. I didn't build it 100% square and when I was fretting about it, I finally realized " It's a chicken house, not the Taj Mahal!"
My coworker reminds me of this phrase when I get too picky about things at work. Bless her:)
Maybe you could pick a name that has something to do with what kind of chickens you have. Mine is The Cochin Coop of course
I name according to what lives there. And make it catchy..

Cochin Crib, Banty Barn, Turkey Town,

Ducks Diner, Silkie Shack.....

My cabin is the Chicken Palace because it is so large.....
Ours is Pine Row Peeps Resort... because it's right next to the row of pines that divides ours and our neighbor's properties. Similarly, I christened our forest Broken Birch Forest because of all the broken birch trees. What landmarks surround the coop? That leads to nice names.

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