chicken coop names...

My friend Mary came up with a name for my pink coop (that is supposed to be a tractor, but weighs about a zillion pounds) - Perfectly Pretty Pink Poultry Penthouse for Pleasantly Portable Pecking.

How the heck am I supposed to get that on a sign? It'll be bigger than the coop itself!
Oh! Oh! *rasing hand* How about just a nicely caligraphiezed (that's not a word but you get the drift) of five, [letter] Ps ? PPPPP - and then if anybody asks, you can SAY, "Oh, that's for the Perfectly Pretty Pink Poultry Penthouse for Pleasantly Portable Pecking."

Or..... "Five P" - same idea.
Oh! Oh! *rasing hand* How about just a nicely caligraphiezed (that's not a word but you get the drift) of five, [letter] Ps ? PPPPP - and then if anybody asks, you can SAY, "Oh, that's for the Perfectly Pretty Pink Poultry Penthouse for Pleasantly Portable Pecking."

Or..... "Five P" - same idea.

That is a great idea! Now, if I can just remember what it stands for when they ask...
Eggcelent Estate. Hen Home Sweet Hen Home. Fluffy Butt Farm/Flat. Cabana de El Pollo Loco. Pullet Chalet. Egg Drop Palace.

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