Chicken Decisions - The Many Struggles of Chicken Math

The ban lifts on the 16th! I have arranged to get a Gold Laced Frizzle Polish and a Wheaten Marans - both at around 18 weeks old. I'm soooo looking forward to more eggs and hens!

My speckled sussex is the friendliest chicken of my hens. She always comes over to be petted and picked up. My faverolle is beautiful and funny in her antics. I have found them to be noisy- always talking to you whenever your around. It can be annoying or charming depending on how you look at it. She is always going broody which is good or bad depending on your needs.
Wyandottes are good layers, and dependable, quiet, Mine looks out for the others and takes the roo role. They can be aggressive sometimes towards other birds. The one I have now isn't. I loved my barred rocks too. Sweet and calm. The Orpingtons are beautiful and friendly.
I wish I could have one of so many breeds that are out there.
Not sure if you already got some or not, but you've been a great help to me so here's what I think...

I only have one of the breeds on your list but salmon faverolles are my absolute favorite. They have short little legs and when they walk, they wattle, so it's hilarious watching them run. My girl, Tot, is very talkative to me and she was my first layer (although she hasn't laid since). She attempts to crow like the rooster sometimes, which is also very funny to watch. She has so much spunk and personallity and makes me laugh every time I see her. She has a big fluffy beard, and beautifully colored soft feathers. She's a great girl. My other one, April, isn't as friendly as Tot is, but it's beautiful. She's not up to par with breed standards as she has orange speckles on her chest but I still think shes pretty. As babies, neither of my faverolles were very friendly but Tot was very dominant and protective of her "sisters". They both mellowed out and are very sweet birds now.

Thanks for your help! I'm planning on getting a salmon faverolle now because I went to the place recently and they were great! I was also sorely tempted by the silkies ;)

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