chicken disappeared without a trace

Thanks. This is Lucy a few weeks ago. So pretty!

She might be cochin started laying at 18 weeks, laid 13 eggs in 15 days, then went broody. So if she started a secret stash somewhere that you don't know about, maybe that's where she's hanging out?
I'd love to believe that - but she hasn't laid an egg yet - at least not that we are aware of. And no squatting yet. She was out back with me this afternoon, just being her usual self. Gonna say a prayer and hope we find her running around the yard in the morning.

I went out to look this morning - now that there is daylight and I can see - I kept hoping I would find her in the coop. You know - maybe she was in there the whole time and I just didn't see her. Nope. Only 5. Then I heard her yelling at me. But it was coming from up high. Yup, there she was, up in the tree behind our deck. I think she got up there and couldn't get down, so she just slept there all night. Of course, it rained all night so the poor baby is absolutely soaking wet. It took two of us to get her down. I had to pull the branches to get her a little closer, and my 6 foot tall husband stretched up and got her. And he chastised her in his best Ricky Ricardo impression: "Lucy! You got some 'splaining to do!"

Thanks everyone for all the good thoughts! Let's hope that is the last of chickens roosting in trees around here.

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