Chicken Door Lock


Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 30, 2017
Poplar Bluff, MO
My Coop
My Coop
While waiting for my new chicks to get big enough to move to the coop I made some modifications to my automagic chicken door. One of my design desires was to have a safe door for the chickens. So this meant that the door could not push down on a chicken like when you use something that forces the door down. So I used paracord and a gear motor to wind it up or let it out. The first batch would sometimes not wait for the door to go up and would lift it up as they left the coop so proving it was safe for them. The only drawback was it could be lifted up by a predator if it managed to get past the inner containment. To solve this from the get go I had a 12v lock but never got around to installing it. Anyway a short video of the lock showing how it keeps the door down when it is closed.

I would have posted this in my other thread but it was full of static...

You are indeed very good in the electronics portion . I looked at numerous YouTube videos on the subject of pop door closures. I considered making my own at one time. I let that thought go away and just mainlined and purchased. What I thought to share was a method of self locking device I was considering using. Quite simple and effective. Here is a quick link to the Idea. It is not my video.
Yea, I saw that video as well. The reason I didn't just whip out my CC and buy a door is I wanted much more than just a door. I wanted Chicken Coop Automation! My coop door opens and closes based on sunrise/sunset as well as how many minutes of light I want them to have. Yes it turns on the lights in the morning then opens the door and 30 minutes after sunrise the lights go out. The door closes at dusk. I check the coop temperature and if too cold turn on some heat. If it is too hot turn on a fan... no commercial product can do this.


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