Chicken Droppings

You gather the poops and let them dry out if you don't the fertilizer will be too hot and nitrogen burn your plants. Take the dry poop and work it into your soil, and you've got easily accessible and safe nitrogen to help your garden grow. I've also heard of people adding water to the poop and making a tea type fertilizer. :)
There are basically two ways. Both are compost based. One, you can have a poop board under the roosts and collect droppings to go into an active compost pile. If you choose, you can use a pooper scooper and tidy up droppings from everywhere into the pile.
Two, you can go with the deep litter method. Every week or when it's wet, you add another layer of bedding material, toss on some scratch and the chickies will keep it turned for you.
Both take time, chicken poo is very high in nitrogen and must be composted or aged. The regular pile method relies on you turning it so it all gets composted. The deep litter method lets the chickies do the work. In the spring, you scrape off the top layer and use the bottom.
sounds like too much work for Moi. I bought bagged compost, bale of spagnum peat moss, and mushroom compost two years ago. Left it by the garage door outside. I went to open one bag and a mouse ran off - so bags are still waiting and will .probably be forever. Nasty wind and weather has torn the bags open, or else mouse moved all his relatives into them. Don't care to find out.:oops:
I don't know if I'd be more averted by the mouse or the mushroom compost, that stuff smells awful.
sounds like too much work for Moi. I bought bagged compost, bale of spagnum peat moss, and mushroom compost two years ago. Left it by the garage door outside. I went to open one bag and a mouse ran off - so bags are still waiting and will .probably be forever. Nasty wind and weather has torn the bags open, or else mouse moved all his relatives into them. Don't care to find out.:oops:

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