chicken & dumplings?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 6, 2009
The great northwest
I was given 8 hens (that are supposed to be laying) by a woman she said they are about 2yrs old. We moved the girls 3 to my mother in laws & the rest to my moms.
That was 2wks ago and none at either place are laying? Should we give them longer? Or did someone give us chiken & dumplings?

We want to give them enough time to settle, but how long?
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They could be just stressed from the move and will start laying soon, 2 weeks seems like a while though. Could they be hiding eggs somewhere? or could a predator be getting the eggs?
2 years old is about when they will start slowing down.
Do you know what breed they are, different breeds lay differently.

Imp- And sorry I gotta ask- Are you sure they are hens?
They could be just stressed from the move and will start laying soon, 2 weeks seems like a while though. Could they be hiding eggs somewhere? or could a predator be getting the eggs?
2 years old is about when they will start slowing down.
Do you know what breed they are, different breeds lay differently.

And sorry I gotta ask- Are you sure they are hens?

Yup they are EE hens. I guess my mom has gotten three eggs. I told them to put a light in the coop, for longer light hours(it is that time of year). No preditors and at both places are cooped for now!
Well good, sounds like they're coming around. I think I've read that other people have said it might take a few weeks.

With the days getting shorter, they may be starting a molt, which will seriously effect their egg laying. The stress of moving could also trigger a molt. It does take some time for them to settle down, but two weeks seems like you should be getting an egg from one of the five hens. Still, I'd also advise patience.

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