Chicken dying - what could be the cause? (Video included)

  • When did you last deworm your chickens?
  • What kind of chicken feed are you feeding? Percentage of protein, main components etc.
  • Did you check the feed for mould or grain mites etc.?
  • Did you check the milling date on the feed bags?
Sprouted wheat is nice, but I would rather sprout barley in summer to prevent them from getting too fat.
Dual purpose breeds like Sussex, Marans, Amrocks etc. tend to accumulate fat pads on their lower abdomen when fed too much carbohydrates like corn or wheat. Unbalanced feed (lack of protein) often leads to laying issues (fat hens lay small or no eggs or are even unable to get the eggs out as the fat pad obstructs the way constricting the oviduct) and sometimes they even die from fatty liver disease.

So I would open her up to see if that might have been the cause of her death. This might help to understand and perhaps make some changes to their feed if necessary.

But if you really want to know, it would be best to send her in to your state veterinarian laboratory for a professional necropsy.
Thank You for the advice! I will try and give the less fatty food from now on.

I have not dewormed my chickens ever - I give them whole pumpkins regularly. And have not observed any worms in their poop.

The grown up feed has about 16% protein and the chick feed has about 19% protein.

The feed is clean as I have just two half bags left and can check them completely and they were bought fairly recently - just 1 month ago.
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So this is her this morning -

Her eyes look alert. I gave her water yesterday and today (she drank).
Could it be wry neck or some disease perhaps? Or maybe some trauma?
No mites on the roosts.
Oh dear, please help her out of her misery this instant!

And send her in to your state veterinarian laboratory for a necropsy.

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