Chicken enough to go off electricity 10-10-2010?? JOIN US!!!

Chic-Zebo Girl

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 10, 2010
Delton, MI
Calling all peeps that want to do the right thing by the environment and get back to basics and become more aware of our homes' energy usage:

We are calling for a global day of back on the farm low or no electricity usage. Since us BYC types like to make a difference by doing our part for the animals and environment here's what our BYC Low or NO Day would look like on Sunday October 10, 2010.

~~~Triple 10 Day~~~

Level LOW: Those who want to cut back on electricity usage - you know what to do - shut off and unplug entertainment devices such as TV, Computer, Stereo, IPOD, phone (no batteries allowed for back-up)

Level NO: Those who want an almost total brown out - shut off and/or unplug every thing! No entertainment devices, PLUS No electrical Lights, No appliances (except Frig-Freezer)

Interesting article that discusses VAMPIRE electrical devices that use energy even when shut off and left in standby or off mode.
Basically it's like what happens when the power is out, but you get to keep the fridge?

10th is a Sunday, no work for DH, no school for kiddos (online classwork) so that's okay, but often DH works on his classwork on Sunday since it's his only day off from work and school... if he's got a paper due there's no way he can be without his puter. Have to ask him.

Might make for an interesting project.
Nope.. i see no point in it.. sorry.
But i wish you all luck!
I'm doing it! I need to check out my emergency preparedness kit anyway. I've planned a hike right out the front door and then dutch oven "Green Eggs and Ham" with home grown basil along with iced microbrew and live music. We have a bassoon, guitar, and maybe a banjo will join us. Sorry I won't be here to share as my computer will be unplugged, as the phone. Anybody got a mandolin or a fiddle?
Why stop at a day, if you are trying to prove a point? Just call the electric company and tell them that you are done with them. They can come and remove the meter.

The fact is, most of these environmentalists would be rolled up in a ball, sucking their thumbs, and calling for mommy, after of week of what they pretend to desire, for the rest of the world.
This is actually a secret plot to get the boys off of the $%^&#ed X-box! Remember when kids used to have to actually run around to pretend to kill each other? I could live without electricity, but I'd be happy if people would just shut off the freakin light when they are done. This isn't about "stickin' it to the man" for me, it is about "counting the blessings".
Ain't that the truth. I would love to be off the grid, but can't afford the windmills. And the reason is because I am sick to death of public utilities taking all our money, raising rates on a whim, etc. But the fact is I live in a very warm climate and I am too much of a sissy to live without a/c.
An easy one for me and I am sure my husband will enjoy it at least during the day. He will probably get me to go fishing! Night time though is when we hunker down with computer and netflix.... that will not be as easy to give up.

I really admire those that can and do live off the grid. I am so much of an energy hog, just trying to become more aware of my use level and hopefully learn ot turn it down a bit after this 10-10-10 Day. I like Moabite's idea, maybe I will get the guitar out and play some tunes.

I am so happy to see a variety of responses. Join if you can, or maybe at least turn your stuff off instead of putting it in standby mode when you go to do something else. If you are already off the grid, well my hat is off to you.

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