Chicken feather pulling


Jun 25, 2022
Hello. We have 6 hens around 8 months old. Four of them are laying. Three barred Rocks, Onre Rhode Island Red and two Easter Eggers. They have all been together since they were chicks.
Their run is pretty big and we just expanded it, lots of roost bars and things to climb on.
The problem is that our Rhode Island just recently started really pulling feathers out of her sisters. One barred rocks nearly bare at her bottom. The other hens don’t do anything to fight back. We have researched all and started adding more protein to their diet, have had Red separated for a couple days but she just goes back to it
Looking for recommendations on how to cure this. She’s a great layer and very human docile. Not sure what else to do. We just got the chicken blinders to use as a last resort but still researching them before we give it a go
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
What is their diet?
You can separate the bully for a few days, it might knock her down a peg.
Nutrena layer 18%. Regular salad mix. Nearly daily scratch added sunflower seeds and meal worms. We just added a little tuna/sardines twice total to them to see if it’s a protein issue.
She is in chicken jail. That setup is the original coop we had gotten for them that claimed to accommodate 6 chickens but obviously way too small. She’s been isolated for two days. How long does it typically take for her to get the hint?
Nutrena layer 18%. Regular salad mix. Nearly daily scratch added sunflower seeds and meal worms. We just added a little tuna/sardines twice total to them to see if it’s a protein issue.
She is in chicken jail. That setup is the original coop we had gotten for them that claimed to accommodate 6 chickens but obviously way too small. She’s been isolated for two days. How long does it typically take for her to get the hint?
Cut out the salad, mealworms, daily scratch, and especially the sunflower seeds.
I know, it doesn't sound right but scratch, mealworms, and especially the seeds are high in carbs and very high in fat. They do not need it, it keeps them from eating enough of their actual nutritionally complete feed so they get less nutrition and get deficiencies. Chickens don't gather fat on their bodies quite as we do, it gathers around their heart and liver and that is often fatal.
Dark leafy salads can block nutrition absorption, especially calcium for bones and shells.
You can give them these things, but only a little, once or twice a week. They need to be eating 90% of their feed.
You can bring the hen out of separation in a day or so, she may or may not 'get it' right away, but chickens don't do well by themselves.
Agree, cut out the "treats" ... Messes up the nutrition levels of their feed, keep up with the extra protein (tuna, sardines, mealworm) ... Feather picking is a protein thing as feathers are protein based, hence when molting I always add extra protein. Forget the "salad & fruits", table scraps, etc ....

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