Chicken garden?

I was thumping of going to home depot to buy supplies for pvc and chicken wire but idk what measurements for a good size

Chicken wire is great for keeping chickens in, but if you have any kind of predator problem, chicken wire will keep very little out. How large depends greatly on the number of chickens you have and how often you move the run.
Knowing now that you aren't going to entice chickens to stay at home unless you fence them in, (preferably a covered run like a tractor), I'll answer your original question about what plants chickens like that are likely to survive their activity.

Most sod grasses are very vulnerable because the roots are shallow and the chickens' scratching uproots and eventually kills the lawn. It take a few years to get established, but the best grass seed to plant with chickens in mind is native bunch grass species. This grass grows in bunches, not a mat, and it's a perennial so the root systems eventually grow very deep, making it very hard for chickens to dig up. Chickens need good grasses to eat.

Likewise, shrubbery with edible berries would be a good choice since large shrubs are deeply rooted and will resist chickens digging them up. As you add more plants for the benefit of your chickens, make sure to choose things with deep roots, non toxic leaves and berries and flowers, and protect them from the chickens until the plants are well established.

Quote: Ditto Dat^^

Take your time time and do some(a lot of ) research before building or buying materials......'ll be happier in the long run if you plan ahead of time for a coop/tractor that will work for your goals.
I have a coop that was gifted to me and i didnt know they sold chickens by six (i originally just wanted around four) so i have two too many for the coop but i do have two nice sized peacesiecesood to make a triangle coop and i really want to make a tractor that attatches to the wood pieces so that they have a run as well. Im still doing a lot of thinking cause i dont wanna give away any of the chicks
I have a coop that was gifted to me and i didnt know they sold chickens by six (i originally just wanted around four) so i have two too many for the coop but i do have two nice sized peacesiecesood to make a triangle coop and i really want to make a tractor that attatches to the wood pieces so that they have a run as well. Im still doing a lot of thinking cause i dont wanna give away any of the chicks

Two more chickens will not be a big problem for your coop, 10 would be an issue, 6 probably not. If you already have some wood, and a coop, you might be able to manage on a 40 dollar budget. try to spend a bit more on the fencing (you will not regret it, snow just move the tractor often)
Deleon98: Your birds will need at least 4 square feet of floor space per bird in the coop, and 10 square feet of space per bird in the run. Any less than this and you are likely to run into issues with behavior and/or disease that will make it very difficult for you to have a successful chicken keeping experience.

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