Chicken Group Dynamics!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 22, 2013
North Texas
I saw the phrase "Group Dynamics" on another thread and thought it best describes the interactions resulting from us moving five Red Star hens from an isolation coop to the large coop which was already occupied by six Silver Laced Wyandotte hens. We moved them at night by placing the Red Stars on lower rungs of the same roost thinking they could become acquainted during the night.

I thought if any rump kicking occurred, it would be the larger and slightly older Wyandottes kicking the rumps of the smaller and younger and outnumbered Red Stars. I was wrong in a big way. The Wyandottes seem to have the personalities of helpless princesses at the prom while the Red Stars definitely have the personalities of little ruffians from the wrong side of the tracks.with short person syndrome. The Red Stars quickly established the fact that they have no intention of taking any bull from anyone. They try to keep the Wyandottes rounded up and corralled in one corner of the coop preventing them from having access to food and water. It only requires one strong squirt from a hose end water jet to back an aggressive Red Star down, but I'm not sure how bad it gets when we are not standing there hose in hand.

So far, no blood has been shed and I think the problem will resolve itself when the pecking order is understood by all present in the coop. I sure hope so.

We solved the problem by determining the primary rump kicker was a very young Rhode Island Red rooster. He revealed himself by a couple of very loud, but not refined; crows. He now has a new home with a family who wants free animals for their children to care for. I am still a little ticked at the grower who sold me six young Red Star pullets.One turned out to be a sickly Buff Orpington which died at about eighteen weeks old and one very young RIR rooster. The other four are now twenty weeks old, rather large, in good health, and laying eggs like crazy. I thought the Red Stars were supposed to be small chickens, but since moving them into the large coop/run; they have grown to almost the same size as the Silver Laced Wyandottes.



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