Chicken Has Been Limping For 17 Weeks... Strain,Fracture,or What??

Brian Rinaldi

7 Years
Sep 14, 2014
Hello, my flock is 22 weeks of age they all are fine except for "witney", 5 weeks after hatch my black astrop started limping. Over the course of 4 weeks since the injury she's got a little better but since then she has gotten worse. Her Appetite is fine and she is walking around despite the injury, i have c'ooped’ her up so she can't move around that much but its not getting better...

What Can It Be And How Can I Make her Better




Did you ever figure out what was happening with your bird? I just found your post and realize it's a couple weeks old. I'm curious because we had the same type of thing happen with 1 of our RIR's several months ago.

Our girl was fine when she went into the coop one night but the next morning she just came up lame with no apparent injury or illness. The other chickens started pecking her so badly, we kept her on our enclosed porch until her comb healed. We tried to re-introduce her a couple times, but she always got attacked. We finally built a special enclosure adjoined to the run so she would have her own place, all the girls can see each other but no one gets bullied. What surprised us was she began laying during this stressful time!

Anyway, just wondering how your situation turned out.
Did you ever figure out what was happening with your bird? I just found your post and realize it's a couple weeks old. I'm curious because we had the same type of thing happen with 1 of our RIR's several months ago.

Our girl was fine when she went into the coop one night but the next morning she just came up lame with no apparent injury or illness. The other chickens started pecking her so badly, we kept her on our enclosed porch until her comb healed. We tried to re-introduce her a couple times, but she always got attacked. We finally built a special enclosure adjoined to the run so she would have her own place, all the girls can see each other but no one gets bullied. What surprised us was she began laying during this stressful time!

Anyway, just wondering how your situation turned out.
Well recently my flock came down with cold like symptoms (obviously a respiratory problem) so I went to my local farm store and got some antibiotics for them. There all better now and witney seems to be limping less, so my assumption is that she had internal bacterial infection from the antibiotics helped
Maybe something bit her and it resulted in an infection? Just a possibility. Glad the antibiotics are helping. Great job taking pictures and posting!
Thanks for giving an update. My girls are healthy (knock on wood) so I guess our mystery will continue as to why our RIR went gimpy. Unsolved Mysteries of the chicken variety.

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