Chicken has suddenly become very aggressive, what to do?

Thank you all for the warm welcome and the advice. :)
I wish I had the guts to process my birds but they're pets. Mostly.
I give all of you who can do it much, much respect.
How long have you been trying the techniques?

I would say, about a week, and then changing to something else. At first I was just returning the aggression and broom swatting him or chasing, that seemed to work for a day or two but the bad behavior returned. Then I tried talking to him, treats and trying to pick him up. He seemed nicer, but as soon as I turned my back I heard the fence jangling behind me and saw a furious flurry of feathers and beak action. He's trying to get me -through- the hardware cloth. I put on my big girl pants and forced myself into the run with him to do some cleaning up. I was very wary, he seems to go through phases of scared and then devilishly still and thoughtful as he eyes me and plans his next attack. I feel stupid saying this but he kind of scares me. My sister used to raise parrots and had a very timid, hand-raised African Grey bite a quarter sized chunk out of her ear "because it was having a bad day." I've been reading terrible online stories about roosters leaving bleeding wounds and gouges through heavy denim pants.

To top it all off, my husband gets angry when the bird attacks me and is completely convinced he has to go. I'm still trying to save my relationship with my chicken.
Today my 'extra' roo gets re-homed. And there isn't a human agressive bone in his body....but with a small flock 2 roos are not working. I have run myself ragged trying to keep the 2 separated etc. Juggling roos that hate eachother is not fun in a small flock on 2 acres. I think you will find that there is much more peace in your flock if you re-home/cull this agressive fellow. Frankly, I would send him to freezer camp but I know how hard that can be. There are many wonderful roosters out there that need homes so there really isn't room for the human aggressive bad boys.
X2. I don't have the time to spend fooling with an aggressive roo. Rather spend my time enjoying my birds. I like the chicken soup idea.
If you change your mind about killing I found it easy to do with a hatchet. I was a baby though and put a sock over my sick hens head.She never struggled. I got a roo and he has NEVER attacked.Poor thing I chase HIM around.Got mine free off craigs when I posted looking for one.Lots of people offered their roos. So glad I got my Jackie Chan.He is the best. A good roo is so nice to have.

I would rehome or dispatch yours and try another. It is tough at first because you feel like you should have tried more,but like others have said there are soooooo many good roos out there.The peace you have from a nice flock is well worth a bit of emotional discomfort.Like with any animal you try your best,but you don't have to suffer with ill behavior just because they are your pet.
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Has anyone found one breed of roosters, in general, nicer than others. I had a -who knows what- sorta looked like a RIR that was a sweet hart. I now have a Black Australorpe that I have to keep an eye on all the time. He even attack me when I opened the pen to let them out. If no broody hens come spring he has to go.

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