Chicken Head Trauma

It was on Tuesday. I'm not exactly sure what happened but a predator entered he cook and took two other chickens. That one was left behind without any scratches but her eyes were closed. She has now opened them but one is very dilated and has a hard time seeing if she can even see at all.
Sorry about your losing chickens. If the coop was locked up, and the predator still got in, I would fix the spot it, so it doesn’t happen again.

Is she eating and drinking anything? Can she walk around? If you have any pictures of the chicken, that could help. There could have been a brain injury or eye injury. She could still be in shock. Head injuries can improve if you can get her eating. I would give it some time. Do you have more chickens? If so, she might need to be watched that they don’t hurt her while she is recovering.
Thanks for the concern for my chickens. I have fixed my coop and fortified it so it's like Alcatraz. I got out every hour or so to feed her and give her water but she does sometimes eat and drink herself. I have one more chicken but she does not bully her, I am keeping a close eye on them. I will try to take some pictures today. She has been improving every day, opening one eye, then the other, her eyes getting less dilated, etc. So you think that the blindness is temporary?
Does anyone know if chickens can recover from head trauma that led to blindness?
Some years ago one of my hens had been attacked by a hawk and was left with some serious puncture wounds on her head. After a few days of neurologic problems as vertigo, disorientation and blindness the swelling went down and she regained her eyesight. We named her Pirate and she lived a long and good life without any further problems..
Awesome! That's great for your chicken. I hope that mine will regain hers as well. Thanks for everything. I will send some pictures later today.
She might be blind in one eye andhave sight in the other. You may know more later. In the meantime, I would offer watery chicken feed mash, along with some other favorite food, at least 2-3 times a day. It would be difficult for a totally blind chicken to survive. I had a hen who suffered a peck to her eye, and she was blind in just one eye. She did fine as long as she didn’t get out of our chicken yard. I really hope she recovers.

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