Chicken hugs, and sometimes kisses.


10 Years
May 26, 2013
Washington State
Am I the only one who thinks there is no more precious thing than when your chicken gives you a "hug". I'm talking about they wrap their neck full length around your neck. And kisses? I always kiss my birds. Finally I noticed especially with juveniles, they will lay their wee head alongside your nose and press it there. My husband doesn't get it. My buggies hen, Faith, when I bring her out of her cage in the morning ( the only time she's ever in a cage, and just for safety) she will literally stretch her neck as long as she can and wind it around one side of my head while vigorously nuzzling my face. Sometimes it seems like people don't understand animals have feelings. My dad, bless his soul, never believed animals had a soul. We never agreed on that , ever. When he passed my husband jokingly commented he hoped my dad was in heaven with all my chickens I have lost surrounding him! Begging for a treat no doubt. I end my musings with this final thought...I firmly believe in animals. I grew up with them, spent my adolescence telling my secrets to my then best friend who happened to be a horse. Now I look into my aging pit bulls loving eyes and I don't doubt for a minute that I am looking directly into her sou l.
I hug and kiss all my chickens and they hug me back. The come looking for me for hugs. They have been my tonic through depression

The other day I had a tickly cough. said to my fella, it feels like I have a feather in my throat, he said well you shouldn't go around kissing chickens! 🤣🤣
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