Chicken is making gagging motions and sneezing.


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2022
Hi there, my chicken had a sprained leg and we brought her inside for a few weeks. She was getting better so I put her back out with her friends and after a week shes been going downhill. Not eating much as I think they girls are picking on her a bit and then he wing started dragging. She wasn't going into the coop at night I had to go out and put her in and now shes making a gagging motion and won't stand up. Ive been trying to give her vitamins but she hates it and yesterday she did eat and drank some water. Help!
I'm sorry that no one replied earlier, does her crop feel full at all? if so you will want to search up "sour crop" on the site and follow the instructions.
Did you slowly reintegrate her back into her flock? When they have been gone for awhile the others may pick on them or keep them from eating and drinking. They also may avoid going in to the coop at dusk. I would feel of her crop to see if her crop feels empty, full, hard or soft/puffy. She may have a crop impaction. Offer fluids, and get her drinking. If the crop is full and firm or doughy, give her 1-2 tsp of coconut oil, chilled and cut into small pieces to peck. Massage the crop twice a day in a downward motion, but only if it is full and firm or doughy. The crop should be empty first thing in morning, then fill up during the day. If there is a way to separate her inside the coop inside a dog crate with her food and water while you treat her, that would be best.

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