Chicken keeping stinks right now!


10 Years
May 17, 2009
So after a month of keeping a hen inside my kitchen and lovingly fussing over her for a month (see saga here: we lost her.

Now we have another hen 2 1/2 yr old BO who is shaking her head constantly- looks a little poofed and/or her comb is significantly shrunken and lighter in color.

The two may be unrelated as Terra's (the deceased RIR) symptoms were much different-

OOO and typical stuff

She is 2 1/2 yrs old.

On Layer pellet diet-

Occasional scratch or kitchen leftovers like steamed green beans, fresh lettuce, low fat plain yogurt.

No ACV as we use a galvanized waterer.

Free choice oyster shell.

Bedding is pine shavings.

Coop is 4 X 6 with an 8 foot run that I can walk in for 4 hens. Coop is winterized with non-emitting (no outgasing) heavy vinyl shower curtains to prevent draft- eaves open for ventilation-

Head shaking x 1 week- thought it might be due to a mild beak injury- today I see she is poofy, comb is purplish and small, and was closing her eyes while standing in the run.
respritory infection if so you will need abs. Did you take your last hen to the vets
Is there any chance you have red mite in your hen house.
Head shaking can be a symptom of Gapeworm.. You might want to do a search and see if that could be the culprit (not very common). It could also be a crop related issue. I would check out impacted and sour crop also.
I can't help, but I wanted to say I've had a hen inside for almost a month now and understand your pain and frustration! I'm taking my girl to the vet again tomorrow and its do or die time.
Thanks guys! She doesn't seem to be gaping and I recently wormed with Wazine followed a week later by Ivermectin- would that cure gapeworm?

I have never used abx in my chickens, but would be willing to try one- We don't have vet care available and I really don't want a dead hen- My poor kid (and frankly I) haven't gotten over the death of our RIR last week, yet.

So- do you think infectious bronchitis? Newcastle?

In the past we have had, light colored, thin shelled, liquidy white eggs- I thought maybe we had an IB issue with that, but no one had any symptoms and we've had the egg issue for a good yr now- we raised two new day old chicks in 2010- adding to our flock from 2009- could a hatchery chick (ideal, I believe is who our feed store ordered from) carry either one of these diseases in infancy?

The ill hen in question is from our original flock of 4- from the same feed store/hatchery-

Regardless, is it irresponsible for me to tx with abx if we aren't 100% viral vs bacterial versus heart failure?

If not- what is effective and can I just treat everyone at once via waterer as I only have 4 hens left??
Aww (((hugs)) DH was none too happy to have a chicken inside and after a month it was so sad to see her go- you try so hard just to have the illness win- I am soooo sorry for you too- I hope that your vet has good news and helpful care!
I would think maybe ms or mg, as bronchitis is highly contagous so I would think all your chickens would be showing symptoms.
Any more ideas? She is still shaking her head frequently and her comb is still a bit shrunken (or her head feathers are a little ruffled?)

A previous poster suggested gapeworm- She is not gaping and I recently wormed with Wazine followed by Ivermectin- Is there another wormer that would be need to be done?

Really it just looks like a quick shake like something is bugging her. I have not found any signs of mites or lice (do the internal wormers have any effect on these as well?)

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