Chicken laying eggs without shells


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
I have a nine month old Barred Rock who has been laying eggs without shells. I am talking it is just the white and the yolk laying there. She wasn't feeling good a few weeks ago and I thought she was egg bound. I brought her in and managed to get her to lay a wrinkled up dried up egg. Since then she has been only laying eggs without any shells. I catch her eating the egg yolk. What is wrong?
I give them crushed oyster shells, yogurt, spinach leaves, their feed and they free range. All my other hens are laying great eggs. We are getting cold here and are down to about 10 hours of daylight. Could that be the problem or could it be something seriously wrong with her? She's one of my favorites and I would hate to lose her.
I have found these eggs a couple times this summer but didn't know which hen. She felt bad about 3 and a half weeks ago, which was when I brought her in and got her to lay the dried up egg. She has been laying a shell less egg every few days since then without laying any other type of egg.
My first thoughts are stress or a calcium absorption issue. She may just need time for her system to get back to normal.

What kind of feed is she on? Too much calcium at an early age or to little calcium currently can both cause egg issues. I would watch her and see if it improves or if you see any other symptoms.
She is on Purina Layena Pellets. They were eating the crumbles but I switched them to pellets about a month ago. Is there a better food I should get for them?

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