Chicken laying eyes closed


Nov 10, 2022
I found our chicken laying in the coop this afternoon. She wasn't moving but she's breathing heavily. Her eyes are closed most of the time. She wakes up and moves every once in awhile. She's 9 month old sapphire gem. Her comb is dropped over and she's all dirty on her face from the coop floor. I don't see any injuries. Is there anything I can do to help her get better?

She roosted last night and this morning she's laying on the ground being stepped on by the other chickens. She had a runny white poop just before but other than that I don't really know anything else. My husband is out of town and he's the one who usually deals with the stuff but he doesn't know what to tell me to do with this either. I really don't know anything about chickens. 😔

We've had a weird occurance of chickens sick and dying over the last 4 or 5 months.
-1yo dark brahma died suddenly
-6mo old bielfelder rooster got sick and limping but he survived
-after he was better we had a barred rock do the same thing but she didn't make it.
-Then we had a 2nd bielfelder rooster get sick and limp but he also made it through
-now a 9 mo black Australorp is sick and limping but she's still getting around.
-Mean while our 1.5 yo welsummer died suddenly and now this sapphire gem is all of a sudden really sick.

It's just weird some died so suddenly, others limped around for weeks and got better while no other chickens got sick and after they were better other chickens got sick and now we're at 3 in a matter of a few weeks.
Sorry for your loss. How old is she? Offer her water with electrolytes or sugar 1 tsp per cup of water up to her beak, and dip her beak to eat. Cooked egg, tuna, and mushy wet chicken feed can be offered. Separate her in a dog crate with food and water. Feel of her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm or puffy. What do her droppings look like? Does she lay eggs? Take pictures if possible of her and droppings. The best way to find out what was going on, if you lose her, is to send the body in to the state vet for a necropsy. Here is a list of state vets, and you can ask for prepaid shipping label for overnight shipping if you cannot deliver the body to the lab:
It's hard to say what's wrong, but I'm going to strongly suggest that if this one doesn't make it, that you contact your state lab and send it in for necropsy. Since you have lost so many birds with similar symptoms, you may have a virus in your flock, and the only way to know for sure is a professional necropsy with labs. Knowing exactly what you are dealing with is important in deciding what you may need to do in the future, and may help with knowing what treatment options would be best.. It could be Marek's disease or some other virus.
For the one that is sick now, I would crate the bird in a warm place (I use a dog crate in my spare bathroom). Try to drip some warm sugar water or electrolites into her beak and see if she will swallow. Just a few drops at a time until you know. If she will take fluids, then I would continue to give her some, slowly, every 1/2 hour or so.
I found our chicken laying in the coop this afternoon. She wasn't moving but she's breathing heavily. Her eyes are closed most of the time. She wakes up and moves every once in awhile. She's 9 month old sapphire gem. Her comb is dropped over and she's all dirty on her face from the coop floor. I don't see any injuries. Is there anything I can do to help her get better?

She roosted last night and this morning she's laying on the ground being stepped on by the other chickens. She had a runny white poop just before but other than that I don't really know anything else. My husband is out of town and he's the one who usually deals with the stuff but he doesn't know what to tell me to do with this either. I really don't know anything about chickens. 😔

We've had a weird occurance of chickens sick and dying over the last 4 or 5 months.
-1yo dark brahma died suddenly
-6mo old bielfelder rooster got sick and limping but he survived
-after he was better we had a barred rock do the same thing but she didn't make it.
-Then we had a 2nd bielfelder rooster get sick and limp but he also made it through
-now a 9 mo black Australorp is sick and limping but she's still getting around.
-Mean while our 1.5 yo welsummer died suddenly and now this sapphire gem is all of a sudden really sick.

It's just weird some died so suddenly, others limped around for weeks and got better while no other chickens got sick and after they were better other chickens got sick and now we're at 3 in a matter of a few weeks.


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Sorry for your loss. How old is she? Offer her water with electrolytes or sugar 1 tsp per cup of water up to her beak, and dip her beak to eat. Cooked egg, tuna, and mushy wet chicken feed can be offered. Separate her in a dog crate with food and water. Feel of her crop to see if it is empty, full, firm or puffy. What do her droppings look like? Does she lay eggs? Take pictures if possible of her and droppings. The best way to find out what was going on, if you lose her, is to send the body in to the state vet for a necropsy. Here is a list of state vets, and you can ask for prepaid shipping label for overnight shipping if you cannot deliver the body to the lab:
She's 9mo. She won't take anything on her own. I put a dropper in her mouth and put some water in and eventually she took a little but mostly she just let it fall out of her mouth.
I don't know where the crop is to feel for it. 😔
Do you think it might have something to do with an egg? Have you seen her lay an egg recently?
I have no idea. We have 28 chickens right now and I have 4 kids that keep me busy so I don't usually watch their laying habits unfortunately. We get about 10 eggs everyday and almost all of them are brown and I don't know who lays what.
Of course! I have 10 laying chickens and I have no idea who lays what, I would suggest feeling around the chicken's abdomen, but you could crush a potential egg. You might be able to search up youtube videos about egg bound chickens.

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