Chicken Losing Feathers but shes not old enough to molt


Jun 3, 2020
My barred rock is 34 weeks old and she is lossing all of her feathers, I am very worried because there is a huge snow storm coming up. Her poop doesnt look like it has any parasites but im not an expert. I need some help. Whats happening???? She has also stopped laying a couple weeks ago, I dont know if that helps. I was thinking it might be because the days are shorter but now im re thinking that, her sister stopped laying aswell
It sounds like she is molting. That is normal and to be expected. It is frightening to the chicken keeper at first though! It’s also normal to stop laying when the shorter days hit. If you can, feed them a higher protein feed which will help with feather regrowth. I use Purina Flockraiser which is 20% protein. Most major brands offer a feed designed for multi age, multi species and multi gender flocks. If you already know this then I apologize for yapping on and on! :gig
If your birds can stay dry and get out of the wind they should do just fine! Good luck to you!
It sounds like she is molting. That is normal and to be expected. It is frightening to the chicken keeper at first though! It’s also normal to stop laying when the shorter days hit. If you can, feed them a higher protein feed which will help with feather regrowth. I use Purina Flockraiser which is 20% protein. Most major brands offer a feed designed for multi age, multi species and multi gender flocks. If you already know this then I apologize for yapping on and on! :gig
If your birds can stay dry and get out of the wind they should do just fine! Good luck to you!
Are you sure? Shes so young
Are you sure? Shes so young
Last year All my pullets decided to molt. So they do what they want, that’s for sure! Look them over for signs of lice or mites though, I should have mentioned that. Lice eggs will be clumps at the base of the feather shaft, easy to see on the feathers around the vent. Make sure you part the feathers so you can see the base. Also look for little needle looking pin feathers coming in, they will indicate molting but you might not see them right away.

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