Chicken making "Brrr" noise when breathing; sneezing

ChickenGirl 19

In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 27, 2012
BC, Canada
I have a 2 1/2 year old production/polish cross chicken that is sounding strange when she breathes. When she breathes out, and sometimes in, she makes a "brrr" noise, similar to a trolling chicken, but it doesn't seem normal. When she makes this noise and sometimes when she isn't she breathes hard enough you can hear her. Occasionally she sneezes, but there doesn't appear to be discharge from her nose.

What do I do? What do you think she has, if anything?I have two injured chicks indoors and a flock of chickens down at the barn so I can't think of another place to put her.
If she has watery sneezes and is coughing she most likely has some kind of respiratory disease. Listen to your other birds carefully because it's easily spread before they show symptoms that are obvious to us. It's also easily spread by you on your shoes and clothing, even just on the wind. If this bird recovers and you return her to the flock you still run the risk of the others catching whatever this is since many of these diseases make the bird a carrier after it recovers. Some are worse then others in regards to recurring and how hard they are to manage. A flock may recover from a bought of infectious bronchitis and be fine ever after or they may not. Other diseases may come back much more often and just be a chronic problem. There is really no way to know what she has without having some testing done, or a necropsy if she were to die of this.

You can try treating her with some Tylan 50, either injected or give it orally. It won't cure the disease but it will help prevent the secondary bacterial infections and pneumonia that so often accompany respiratory illness in birds.
i just noticed my buffington sounding raspy when she breathes, she actually sneezed. she mostly just walks around, scratches a bit, then lays around sounding miserable. she usually runs/flys to me when i bring out the meal worms, but since friday she has been just the way i described.
i am a newbie....can someone please help. she is the one that is now my little buddy.
The thing is she isn't making the noise anymore and is acting normally- no more sound, no sneezing, no coughing. Is it possible she could have gotten water in her lung or something? She ate well and drank he water like normal.

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