Chicken making duckling noises


Mar 25, 2024
She started making these weird noises a few days ago, she only do them when I'm around. Anyone knows what it means in chicken language? Video here, you might need to turn your volume up:
I checked her breast and she's missing some feathers, she didn't lay neither yesterday nor today so that's what it is. It's also a breed that it is said to go broody.
She's not staying in the nest and she's behaving normally at the moment except the continuous clucking. We'll see what happens in a week.
I checked her breast and she's missing some feathers, she didn't lay neither yesterday nor today so that's what it is. It's also a breed that it is said to go broody.
She's not staying in the nest and she's behaving normally at the moment except the continuous clucking. We'll see what happens in a week.
I've had some like that I've called walking broodies. They cluck and act broody, but never set in a nest. I tend to break them as they can cause disruption with the flock. Other hens will sometimes attack a clucking broody hen.
I'll give her a week to see if she settles. I would appreciate a broody hen since I have some eggs in the incubator. If she doesn't sit then I will break her though which method do you think it's the best?
I'll give her a week to see if she settles. I would appreciate a broody hen since I have some eggs in the incubator. If she doesn't sit then I will break her though which method do you think it's the best?
I usually pen my broody hens away from their chosen nest site. Not sure if it will work as well with one not setting. It's been a few years since I had one. The wire bottom crate may be a better option.

If she's not disturbing the flock and you don't need the eggs you can just let her be. She should eventually snap out of it.

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