Chicken Math Again, or why I am so in trouble...


9 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Wilds of Montana
This year, I figured out the breeds I wanted to buy. So, I decided on getting the Barnyard Special with 7 turkeys, 7 ducks and 2 geese because I wanted turkeys and I thought ducks would be cool, and I already have some geese.

Then, I said, okay, I need to replace the 1 year olds who are slowing down in laying, so since I have only 12 hens and 5 roos (I've got to put some roos in freezer camp), I wanted Buff Orpingtons, Barnevelders and Marans. But the place that had Barnevelders and Marans were out.
So I ordered 13 BOs (11 pullets and 2 roos) and 7 Welsummers (5 pullets and 2 roos).

With me so far?

Then, I discovered this nice lady on the list and I asked for her to hold 6 Marans for me to pick up in April.

Then, I got a super-secret email from a hatchery that said "yes, we have Barnevelders for you. You want to order them?"

In a fit of passion, I bought 15 Barnevelders (12 pullets/3 roos). They tell me they will add extra roos.

Okay, assuming I end up with 25 per box (including extras), I'm looking at 56 chickens! OMG
That's including the 18 I have, the 2 ducks, 2 geese and the 16 other birds I'm getting.

Somebody help me. Please. I need therapy.
This chicken thing is contagious. Hubby was trying to be the voice of reason in the house, but he's catching the chicken fever now too. It's only a matter of time till I convince him to let me add "just a few more" chicks to the brooder box...

56 though! WOW! lol
Yeah, I originally ordered 10, then decided no, I needed an even number of 12...Then we decided we wanted a few runners, so add 4 more...
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with me it was 5 rir chicks (4 were males, 1 female...luck of a straight run) so add 3 more garunteed br females minus 1 lost in a fox attack and 1 roo butchered, add 8 baby chicks...14 chickens when i only wanted a small backyard flock of 3 orginally!
Don't want to hear anyone complain until they go over 200, then you have a reason. lol I did that last year but finally got them down to a manageable 58 but I'm constantly hatching, SO......How long until back up there? I keep telling myself, decide what kinds to concentrate on and keep it to that." We'll see.

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