Chicken Math Strikes another victim.

I must say the math hasnt been as hard on me as others!

Last Spring I decided to get 4 hens. I did a ton of reading on BYC and a couple other sites. Oh boy free eggs!

The coop was created from part of my shed and I bought a dog kennel for a run. From the research I did I decided Plymouth Barred Rocks would be best for us. By the time I was ready for the hens it was Summer. I decided it would be best to go with a few month old pullets. Besides I didn't want to have to have to start with raising chicks. We found a family that had a hobby farm and raised PBRs.

We went to pick them up and they fed the addiction big time. Right off the bat 4 turned into 6. My daughter had to go see all the chicks they were raising in their garage brooders. I'm loading the hens into the carriers into my truck. My daughter comes up holding a two week old chick..."daddy look what they gave me...." Aw crap!

On the way home we had to stop at Home Dopes and get a painters lamp, light bulbs, a tote and other supplies. Then next door (dead) PetsMart for shavings, and other pet needs. By the time we got home the "free" chick had cost me more than the six PBR pullets. Well as we all know one chick does not do well alone. Monday I had to pick up a chick for company to the "free" one. Of course none of the local feed and grain stores had chicks that week so I contacted a lady who had an ad for rare Salmon Faverolles. I went to pick them up after work, she would sell one and had to be talked into selling just two. SFs are sex linked by color, but not at the age for the chicks she had available. I left with two 1 week old chicks that cost the same as the 4 month old PBRs I bought.

Soon after the wife finds Black Australorps on Craigslist already laying. We call and get the last two from her Spring brood. Now we are up to 11.

Long story short....the "free" Bantam and both SF end up being Roosters! They get rehomed. The coop has taken over my WHOLE shed, the run took over my daughters swing set area she out grew. I'm working on a new run area for this years additions. We now shop for fruits and veggies just the chickens at the grocery store.

Right now we are waiting on the EE chicks we ordered through our grain store and I bought a Little Giant StyroBator off Craigslist. I ordered a dozen Copper Marans off Arielle on BYC.

I think each "free" egg costs me 2 dollars.
The people who get st. run, how and where do you find homes for the roosters when you figure it out?
Is it hard because you get attached? I dont know if I could do that! HaHa!
So my 6 Buff Orps had dwindled to 4 and I wanted 4 Black Australorps because I like even numbers and it would look good to have black and gold together. Also my Buff was broody at the perfect time to raise the new chicks. At the feed store there was a special that if I bought 2 chicks I got one free, so I bought 4 and got 2 free. Then I was at the other feed store and the bantams were so cute I got 2, then 1 bantam disappeared and 1 Australorp died, so I have 4 Buffs, 5 Australorps and 1 bantam that is a ?. I am really wanting a rooster just because?
You guys would be so proud of me, I went to 2 different feed stores today and didn't buy a single chick! It was tough though, what with their cute fuzzy butts and the peeping and carrying on... Maybe I need to go back...
The people who get st. run, how and where do you find homes for the roosters when you figure it out?
Is it hard because you get attached? I dont know if I could do that! HaHa!

I post an ad on Craigslist when we end up with a Roo we can't keep. Normally within a couple days they are picked up. It's either re-home or camp crock pot. Wife and Daughter want nothing to the Camp option.

When we hatch the Maran eggs I'll Craigslist the ones I don't keep.
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This (I've posted it before, just cut and pasting) is what i know of chicken math:

highly recommend the beginner chicken math class. It starts with wanting three, but there's a minimum of six, so I get 8 just in case a few are roos, to gurantee my 3 being pullets. Then thinking to double my opportunity i add in a safety buffer of two more, for ten. Since three is a prime number and ten is not I increase ten to the nearest prime number that isn't a double number (11, 22, 33...) so I get 13.
Where do you go on BYC to see what people are selling, like how you got the dozen eggs off here??
Go to the FORUM tab at the top of the page. place your cursor on the tab and a drop down menu will appear, the last item is "Buy - Sell - Trade". Click on it and the BST listings will appear on a new page. Be careful though that page is infected with chicken math also. I bought 6 or 8 dozen hatching eggs in December and early January. I just moved all of those babys (52) into a grow out pen last Wednesday. Had to get them out of the brooders as I didn't have any brooder space left for the ones hatching in the house. Ain't life great?

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