chicken moat, anyone else have one?

Hello all I am new to chickens. This is our first year. My husband built me a chicken moat. We used 5 foot wire. We have a huge hawk and owl problem here so fencing the top was nessasary. To do this we used electric conduit and made an archway between the outside and inside fence and then fenced that. It is Tall enough for me to walk through and very strong. Yesterday the wind blew the roof off of a mobile home in our yard onto the chicken fence. Other than some bent wire the fence held
. I will attach a picture as soon as I figure out how to do that lol.
Chicken moat = super cool! We are brand new to the chicken world and have a fantastic mobile coop. I can't take on building the moat this year, but I think it might go on my wish list. I've got 6 raised veggie beds, individually protected by chicken wire. All I would have to do is build one big fence around the area and put in a gate. Then, I would need a spot to pull up the coop and give the girls access.

Love it!
you could incorporate the moat with your mobile coop so you could let them run through the moat and go back to the coop.
We actually went back this year and covered it with chicken wire. The bird netting wouldn't hold up in the snow and pulled down every year.

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