Chicken Mutiny


8 Years
May 2, 2011
Haven't had any problem herding peeps,,, till yesterday. They would not fear the chicken stick, they didn't fear being picked up an carried around, they would not be herded in to coop. They just walked past me. Think i should stop making them oatmeal with scrambled eggs in the morning?
I tried getting them back in with treats,got most of them,every time i got last one back in 2 more flew out. with the cold weather i haven't let them out as much as they are used too.
Food....chickens are all about the food.....What I do is I get a scoop of scratch, and I shake the scoop and I call the girls! They hear that scratch shakin' around in that container, and they come running! So I throw handfuls out all over the run, and the get busy eating! Then I lock 'em up! Works like a charm every time!

Gotta save those treats until before bedtime.

Yeah the "chick chick chick chick TTTRRREEEAAATTSSS" thing works about 75% of the time - I throw down the scratch inside the run and they dash inside for it. Then there will be that one loolygagger who hangs around the outside door just close enough for you to almost grab her and then darts away when you make the reach. UGH! Then you have to chase her around while opening the door and trying not to let the others out again. I can usually get my kids to help with the chicken round up - but not always. Chicks can keep you fit that way - or cause you to have a fit?
Darkness always works for me. If I need to move'em around the yard, I just bring with Loki the golden retriever. Chasing chickens is great fun for him! He really lives up to his name, at least he's well trained not to finish the chase!

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