Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Soon I think someone should post a "false" chicken myth, since the last several posts have been "truths." I would post a myth myself, but right now I can't think of any.😅
oh I have one!

Myth/Rumor: Multiple chicks hatch out of an egg
Story: I was telling a friend about a hatching and they asked "How many chickens?" They really thought that multiple chicks were in one egg. It took me forever to convince them otherwise
True or False: FALSE
Evidence: 1 yolk=1 chicken
oh I have one!

Myth/Rumor: Multiple chicks hatch out of an egg
Story: I was telling a friend about a hatching and they asked "How many chickens?" They really thought that multiple chicks were in one egg. It took me forever to convince them otherwise
True or False: FALSE
Evidence: 1 yolk=1 chicken
I still can't believe that they actually thought this :lau
oh I have one!

Myth/Rumor: Multiple chicks hatch out of an egg
Story: I was telling a friend about a hatching and they asked "How many chickens?" They really thought that multiple chicks were in one egg. It took me forever to convince them otherwise
True or False: FALSE
Evidence: 1 yolk=1 chicken
But could you have twins? Like double Yolkers?
Not sure if this was already said, but here it is:

Myth/Rumor: Chickens aren’t smart
True or False: False
Evidence: It’s been proven they are pretty smart. They could even recognize up to 100 different faces. (Sorry if it wasn’t too descriptive )
But if that was true wouldnt they remember the flock if they were separated for say a week but after putting it back they I really dont believe they remember faces
Myth/Rumor: Chickens are only good for two years
Story: A laying hen only lays till they're two years old. After that, they're useful for only stew, and will never lay again.
True or False: False
Evidence: I used to believe that, until I discovered that hens lay good to 2 years, slow down maybe a little, but still lay good till they're 3 years old. After that, they slow down a lot, but will still continue for the rest of their life. Only as they get older, they might only lay an egg once a week, to once a month.

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