Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Myth/Rumor: Chickens are only good for two years
Story: A laying hen only lays till they're two years old. After that, they're useful for only stew, and will never lay again.
True or False: False
Evidence: I used to believe that, until I discovered that hens lay good to 2 years, slow down maybe a little, but still lay good till they're 3 years old. After that, they slow down a lot, but will still continue for the rest of their life. Only as they get older, they might only lay an egg once a week, to once a month.
I second that. I had a 5 year old hen who still layed an egg nearly every day.
But if that was true wouldnt they remember the flock if they were separated for say a week but after putting it back they I really dont believe they remember faces
On average, 3 days of recognition of faces for a chicken. On my hen Bailey, she remembered a face after not seeing the bird over a month. Give it that Bailey was a weird but intelligent hen, she proved that fact wrong with her crazy brain.
I agree with above comments that Easter Eggers/other breeds do not lay pink or purple eggs, unless they are laying a brown egg with a heavy bloom. But on that note, technically all egg colors are genetically either blue or white only. (Same as all chicken feather colors are genetically only either black or red.) So if there are no pink or purple eggs, there are likewise technically no green or brown eggs either.

But, some brown eggs do appear pink and purple. And as long as the bloom is not scrubbed off, the bloom will reappear when the egg dries. (At least that has been my personal experience.)

In photo below, I spy purple and pink eggs!! Purple-tinted eggs were laid by Welbars, in case anyone wants to know.:)
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