Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Your argument is that chickens aren't smart, but can be "conditioned" to learn behaviors. You then use children and your dog to show how they also learn by being conditioned. Are you also saying children aren't smart, & neither is your dog? Like chickens, they are simply being "conditioned"?
You can interpret it as you wish. Maybe your children are smart but mine needed me to teach them and then some and they are still learning. Smart is not something that is innate unlike people would love to believe. Humans have a more capacity to learn more than other species. I am glad thay I was there to teach them and that they are still learning just like I am.
I am also glad that some people might think they can pop a child and just let them be because they have smart genes. If you do not have a vast knowledge about methodology, you should leave it to those who do. I have never been trying to offend anyone. However, you are judging me? under what authority, if I may ask? A big farm with money to spend in equipment? Well, then the saying that money can't buy anything stays true in your case. Because apparently you raised yourself with no parents nor went to a scholl to receive any knowledge because you are smart and know all things. Nice to meet you God!
By the way, all is not fair in love nor bugs. The vast knowledge that butterflies crumble in one's tummy means they are in love for ever is for a fact a huge myth and a dilution in the human nature. Everything is a choice. Some might choose feeling. However, feelings are deceiving and untrue for they constantly change. People have to make the chioice to love someone and bugs do not choose to love anyone. Nice name by the way. Untrue but knowlegeably incredibly funny!
Myth: All males are human agressive
True/False: False
Evidence: I have over 2 dozen males that, while not cuddlebugs, are certainly not human aggressive
I have had three roosters. One of them would run for a bit but once you caught him he loved to snuggle, sadly he passed away. Another one was not very fond of being held, but was sweet. He currently try lives at a place 10 minutes up the road. My other rooster is a sweetie, he comes to you to be held, and loves cuddles. He is disabled and requires extra care. He us getting visits to the vet.
Well, no offense but that study that was posted earlier does not confirm that chickens are smart. However, every animal has their own set of internal natural behaviors that are purposely given to then. No they do not come from dinos either. That theory of evolution has never been proven as a law or a fact and it is why keeps the name of theory. All animals have innate behaviors. They hunt, fish and scratch. Chicken can recognize common and regular faces because they have interacted with them. New people are not recognizable to them until they see them often and yes they do can establish a pattern of who comes and goes but not because they are brain smart. We would like to believe it to compensate. However, I am not here to judge but to learn about myths but cannot believe it all unless I see a proven fact. I wish my 12 chickens were smart. I would make money off of them in a heart beat. Maybe I buy them instruments and put them in the run until they can play me some Beethoven of Bach. Apparently this is not a learning threat but an imposed one. Sorry I intruded.
Sometimes you can learn from other people if you honestly listen to them, ask questions, and don't automatically rule out what they are saying. Now my avatar is not playing beethoven, but when miss Bea played twinkle twinkle little star on that piano no one had a doubt that she was smart.(ok, it was only 6 or 7 notes of the song, but stiil... I couldn't teach my kids that much. They just didn't want to do it) When I watch chickens undoing latches to get into boxes, I don't have a doubt they're smart also. Maybe your chickens have just been conditioned to not show you how smart that are. Lol, not wanting you to make a fortune off them I'm sure.
Well, no offense but that study that was posted earlier does not confirm that chickens are smart. However, every animal has their own set of internal natural behaviors that are purposely given to then. No they do not come from dinos either. That theory of evolution has never been proven as a law or a fact and it is why keeps the name of theory. All animals have innate behaviors. They hunt, fish and scratch. Chicken can recognize common and regular faces because they have interacted with them. New people are not recognizable to them until they see them often and yes they do can establish a pattern of who comes and goes but not because they are brain smart. We would like to believe it to compensate. However, I am not here to judge but to learn about myths but cannot believe it all unless I see a proven fact. I wish my 12 chickens were smart. I would make money off of them in a heart beat. Maybe I buy them instruments and put them in the run until they can play me some Beethoven of Bach. Apparently this is not a learning threat but an imposed one. Sorry I intruded.
Chickens are smart enough to be chickens, and that is all that is required of them. They don't have to be able to play a piano or read an encyclopedia. They don't need to program a VCR or make Tik-Tok video. They're chickens.
My mom and many other people have thought that you have to have a rooster for the hen to produce eggs. FALSE

You need to have a rooster for your eggs to be fertilized, but not for egg
Hens should lay eggs without the rooster, like how humans lay eggs during menstruation. But in the Philippines, chickens are thin and very different, my Mommy told me the hens would not lay eggs without the rooster, very odd indeed.
FALSE: All chickens can't fly.
Chickens can indeed fly, except for the select few.
(Why are chickens so badly stereotyped? There are birds like penguins and emus that are fine!)
We've had several chickens, pullets actually, who have been regularly flying over the four-foot fence around their run. At first it was only one, then two, and last night it was a full-blown insurrection of five "jumpers" (out of 12) who flew the coop and had to be retrieved and returned to their proper digs. Having had enough of these juvenile shenanigans, we shortened the feathers on each one's left wing to prevent further unauthorized jailbreaks. And today, indeed, there were none.
We've had several chickens, pullets actually, who have been regularly flying over the four-foot fence around their run. At first it was only one, then two, and last night it was a full-blown insurrection of five "jumpers" (out of 12) who flew the coop and had to be retrieved and returned to their proper digs. Having had enough of these juvenile shenanigans, we shortened the feathers on each one's left wing to prevent further unauthorized jailbreaks. And today, indeed, there were none.
Not uncommon with ours either Blue. Especially with our decorative white layers, (Anconas and California whites. And every now and then, my Wyandotte.) However, our fences are over 4 feet high. We clip both wings as we don't want them eaten by owls and coyotes that lurk around.
Myth: Pointed saddles = Male

Obviously i have proof of it being true, but i have had 2 females also having some or all their saddles being pointed.
One was a pheonix hen and the other is either unrelated or her niece.

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